Jennifer Ceponis

Presentation:  Preparing for e-Bikes & e-Scooters: What planners need to know about regulations, infrastructure and accessibility

October 8, 2020



Senior Transportation Planner II

Jen works for the Capital District Transportation Committee where she manages long-range planning and the bicycle and pedestrian planning program. Jen has worked on regional micromobility plans, and has been doing research on micromobility, how it fits into the transportation system, and how cities have regulated and managed it across the country.


Les Brown

Presentation:  Preparing for e-Bikes & e-Scooters: What planners need to know about regulations, infrastructure and accessibility

October 8, 2020



Managing Consultant

Les is a Senior Managing Consultant with ICF, and has worked nationally on share micromobility projects.



Neil Milcarek-Burke

Presentation:  Preparing for e-Bikes & e-Scooters: What planners need to know about regulations, infrastructure and accessibility

October 8, 2020



Transportation Planner

Neil is a Transportation Planner for the City of Syracuse, where he manages the city’s bikeshare program and assisted pedal bikes.


Mitch LaRosa

Presentation:  Preparing for e-Bikes & e-Scooters: What planners need to know about regulations, infrastructure and accessibility

October 8, 2020



Lead Planning Specialist

Mitch is the Lead Planning Specialist at Shared Mobility Inc. based in Buffalo, which runs the Reddy Bike Share in the region. The organization recently received a NYSERDA grant to test e-bikes in New York State.


Dr. Lisa Kenny

Presentation:  Preparing for e-Bikes & e-Scooters: What planners need to know about regulations, infrastructure and accessibility

October 8, 2020



Smart Mobility Advisor

Lisa is a Smart Mobility Advisor with the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council, where she works on preparing the region for new technologies like connected and driverless vehicles, e-bikes and e-scooters, and mobility hubs. Lisa focuses on racially and economically equitable access to these technologies, and on incorporating universal design principles. She is also an Adjunct Instructor with the University of Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Planning. Lisa holds a PhD in Decision Science, as well as Master’s degrees in Public Policy and in International Development, and was a Fulbright Fellow in Thailand.